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3 Texas Home Winter Remodeling Tips

It’s no doubt that Summer is the popular season for remodels. Everyone waits for the warm and reliable weather before they take on a major project that’s going to require going in and out of the house several times for supplies and big appliances. It makes total sense! After all, I think we prefer Summer remodels also. When you can rely on the weather, it’s just easier all around.

However, the season only impacts certain types of remodels. If you are wanting to do a remodel to your Texas home during Winter, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Here are a few remodeling tips for projects this Winter in your Texas home!

Replacing Kitchen Countertops

When people think about a kitchen remodel, they often think of replacing appliances, changing the flooring, adding backsplashes, repainting, changing all the wood trim, replacing cabinets, and everything else under the sun. However, one of the most impactful things you can do to change the appearance and feel of your kitchen is replacing the countertops, and Winter is a prime time to get this done.

Aside from the initial transport of the countertop, everything is done inside and there aren’t that many moving parts involved. And usually, Texas homeowners will hire out the transport and installment of the countertop anyways! So there’s not a whole lot that the season is holding you back from when it comes to a kitchen countertop replacement project.


What better remodeling activity for the Winter than painting? It requires approximately one trip to and from the hardware store and you’re good to go.

Spend time looking up some color palettes and find a room or entire level of your house that you would like to repaint!


Whether it’s light fixtures around the house and in your bedrooms, bathroom sink fixtures, or others, this is a great remodeling project to take on during the cold Winter season of Texas. You can look up different designs on Pinterest and other remodeling inspiration sites, get some ideas of what you’d like to see in your house, order the fixtures, and do everything inside.

The best part is that fixtures, although small, add such a facelift to a home. It can help to completely change the vibe of your kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Make sure to coordinate between rooms to keep a consistent design in place!