3 Texas Home Winter Remodeling Tips

It’s no doubt that Summer is the popular season for remodels. Everyone waits for the warm and reliable weather before they take on a major project that’s going to require going in and out of the house several times for supplies and big appliances. It makes total sense! After all, I think we prefer Summer remodels also. When you can rely on the weather, it’s just easier all around.

However, the season only impacts certain types of remodels. If you are wanting to do a remodel to your Texas home during Winter, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Here are a few remodeling tips for projects this Winter in your Texas home!

Replacing Kitchen Countertops

When people think about a kitchen remodel, they often think of replacing appliances, changing the flooring, adding backsplashes, repainting, changing all the wood trim, replacing cabinets, and everything else under the sun. However, one of the most impactful things you can do to change the appearance and feel of your kitchen is replacing the countertops, and Winter is a prime time to get this done.

Aside from the initial transport of the countertop, everything is done inside and there aren’t that many moving parts involved. And usually, Texas homeowners will hire out the transport and installment of the countertop anyways! So there’s not a whole lot that the season is holding you back from when it comes to a kitchen countertop replacement project.


What better remodeling activity for the Winter than painting? It requires approximately one trip to and from the hardware store and you’re good to go.

Spend time looking up some color palettes and find a room or entire level of your house that you would like to repaint!


Whether it’s light fixtures around the house and in your bedrooms, bathroom sink fixtures, or others, this is a great remodeling project to take on during the cold Winter season of Texas. You can look up different designs on Pinterest and other remodeling inspiration sites, get some ideas of what you’d like to see in your house, order the fixtures, and do everything inside.

The best part is that fixtures, although small, add such a facelift to a home. It can help to completely change the vibe of your kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Make sure to coordinate between rooms to keep a consistent design in place!

Making Christmas Plans in 2020: Celebrating During COVID

Christmas 2020

COVID doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. We’re sure you’re sick of hearing it at this point! But unfortunately, cases are surging in Dallas, TX and it’s now affecting what holidays may look like this year for friends and family get togethers.

If you are still hoping to do something on the holidays, but getting together with a bunch of family members doesn’t seem feasible, here are a few ideas you may want to consider trying with friends or distant family members this year!

2020 Christmas: Ideas for Celebrating During COVID

We get that none of these solutions are exactly what any of us want, but the new circumstances require us all to think outside the box a little bit to plan for Christmas celebrations this year!

With COVID surges and mandates in place, these are a couple things you can consider doing for Christmas this year!

Video Chat and Virtual Games

Most of us have “Zoom fatigue” at this point when it comes to meetings. However, video calls with family and friends can still be fun. Rather than just tuning in to “catch up and talk”, plan a game night over video!

There are tons of options out there, like Jackbox TV games or House Party (a mobile app) that allows players to play games virtually. It’s the next best thing to an actual game night, and may be a fun way to still connect with friends and family for an entertaining game night over Christmas.

Plan Something With the Immediate Family

We all have our usual traditions - the meals we cook, timing of opening presents, and potential seasonal family outings. But with us all being couped up for so long, sometimes you just need to do something different with the immediate family to stir things up and them interesting.

Plan something fun that you can do at home - a gingerbread house building competition, a wine tasting, setup a hot chocolate bar, try a new board game, etc. Try to create either a new tradition, or try something completely out of the ordinary from your usual plans.

Take on a Remodeling Project

Wow, doesn’t that sound like a lot of work? Well, not necessarily. With us all stuck inside for so long, we’re sure you’ve become painfully aware of all the things in your house that drive you nuts or that you wish were different. And that awareness is exactly why people get remodels.

Do you wish you could change the handles and cabinets in your kitchen? Do you want to replace old tile or scratched up wooden floors? Add a backsplash to your kitchen? Redo carpet? Repaint a room? Think about all the potential remodeling activities you could do to pass the time and add a face lift to your home this season!

If you have any questions about remodeling projects that would be appropriate at this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our team members! We would love to help you brainstorm, answer your questions, and do whatever we can to contribute to making your season brighter this year!

Hosting Thanksgiving at Your House During COVID-19

2020 has been a doozy, can we all agree? So much of this year was completely unexpected, and it seems like things continue to take strange twists and turns. It’s frustrating – we get it. But if there’s one thing that most of us are looking forward to, it’s the holidays. A chance to kick back and relax with family, catch up, and enjoy the festivities.

covid thanksgiving

And while we would all love to celebrate our holidays as usual, the way things used to be, there’s no denying that this year will (and should) look at least a little bit different for us all. If you’re planning on hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year, here are some things you should keep in mind as we are still going through the pandemic:

Sanitize Everything

When in doubt, sanitize. Not only is it courteous, but it’s also safe to make sure your entire house (or at least all rooms that guests will be in) have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Do some research to find what sanitizers are best for combating COVID and other germs depending on the surfaces in your home and where people will be congregating.

It’s also a great idea to keep a bottle or two of hand sanitizer at the entrance to your home and at the kitchen table(s). It encourages people to keep their hands sanitized and lowers the risk of spreading anything to each other over Thanksgiving!

Specify Your Expectations Ahead of Time

Are you very COVID conscious? Will you be encouraging social distancing? Do you want everyone to wear a mask or not? These are things that need to be specified ahead of time. Even if it’s your own family, you just never know where people are truly at. It’s smart to play it safe and thoroughly communicate what you are planning for the day.

So many people avoid social gatherings simply because they don’t know where others stand with COVID procedures. They don’t want to show up and be the only one with a mask.

Maybe reach out to people individually to gauge their interest and how they feel about COVID procedures and then send a group text out with the plans.

Have Fun!

The year may look different, but don’t let precautions keep you all from enjoying yourselves. If your family decides to entirely or partially go virtual for the year, find a time to connect and hang out over video chat if necessary. Make people feel included but safe, and always ensure that you understand everyone’s social boundaries in regards to the pandemic.

Best Remodeling Projects for Winter

DIY House project

I think most of us like to think of Summer as the prime season for home remodels. It’s easy to work when the weather is warm, and driving, transporting, and walking materials in and out of the house is easy. For the most part, we would agree that Summer is the best time to get your home renovating and remodeling projects finished, however, there’s no reason to sit around and do nothing during the winter season!

If you wanted to get a head start on your home remodeling, these are a few projects you can start this winter:

Tile Backsplashes

A full kitchen remodel, while feasible during winter, isn’t ideal. There are a lot of big parts moving in and out of the house and it can get overwhelming to take a stab at during the winter season.

However, there are several smaller tasks that can add a major change of atmosphere to your home that you absolutely can do during winter. One of which is adding a new tile backsplash to your kitchen!

Tile backsplashes are a major facelift to your home. They are a manageable remodeling project that doesn’t require many materials or tools, and usually can be accomplished with a bit of research and DIY skills. You don’t need to spend a ton of money to get it done!

Install Smart Home Appliances

Whenever someone mentions “smart home”, everything thinks they’re referring to a project that will be thousands of dollars, but that’s not the case. Smart home appliances and components don’t have to be expensive or major undertakings. You can start with something as simple as a smart thermostat. Of course, these projects don’t take much time or money and are easy to tackle during the winter months when you’re already couped up inside!


Painting is just about the most “inside” project you can do. You need your paint, paint trays, and a couple brushes and then you’re done making trips - no extra tools or materials needed.

If you’re eager to change up your house and atmosphere a bit during the winter season, we can’t overemphasize how much of a difference a new paint job makes. Research some color palettes and come up with a look that will freshen up your home’s environment!

If you have an remodeling projects that are too big for you, or you just want some expert help, give Tony McClung a call at 214 - 668-7802

Essential Fall Renovations for Your Luxury Home 2020

Fall Leaves

Fall has got to be one of the best seasons – the weather is perfect, the colors are amazing, and it’s a wonderful transitional period to prepare us for the cold months of the Winter. It’s also a great time to renovate our homes and carry out the necessary tasks to prepare it for the Winter season.

If you are looking for some projects to get done around the house before the winter rolls around, here are a few essential Fall home care and renovation tasks you can take up in the final weeks of the Fall this year!

Fall Lawn Care

Fall lawn care is huge. You’re not just preparing your lawn for the winter – you’re preparing for how healthy it will sprout back up in the Spring. Racking your leaves thoroughly will prevent them from suffocating your grass and garden when Spring comes around. Doing your due diligence to fertilize and winterize your trees, plants, and grass will prepare them with the necessary nutrients to make it through the Winter.

Replace Your Windows

This only applies to particular households, but have you noticed your home either failing to keep it’s heat, leaking water through windows, or feeling slight drafts when near windows? Depending on how long you’ve had your windows, how they were sealed and prepared, and the overall build quality of them, it may be time to look at getting them replaced.

Fall is the perfect time to swap out your old windows. If you know how to do it, it can be a relatively easy DIY project, but if you feel uncomfortable with any of the steps, reach out to a local remodeling or renovation company to ask for help. Chances are it will be a quick and relatively cheap project!

Power Washing Your House

If you’ve ever had your house power washed, you know the difference it makes. We don’t notice how much dirt and grime builds up on our siding, sidewalks, decks, and patios before we take a power washer to it, but the difference is massive. Fall is kind of your last shot of the year at doing a deep clean on the exterior of your house and it is well worth it!

See if you can borrow a power washer from a friend or local store, otherwise hire a lawn care professional around the area to get it done!

Preparing Your Home for Fall 2020: Designs Ideas

fall outdoor table

COVID-19 has kept us all couped up for far too long. Many of us are working at home, and even for those of us who go to work, there’s little else to do than sit around at home during your free time! That much time in a house is enough to drive anyone crazy. One of the things that several homeowners are doing to keep themselves from going stir crazy is renovating – whether it’s all-out remodels or simple seasonal décor changes.

Tired of bringing out the same wax pumpkins and Fall leaves for the Fall season? 2020 may be the year to change things up for your Fall décor. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are a couple ideas on what you can try out!

New Fireplace

“A fireplace seems like a pretty big change for just one season, don’t you think?”

Well, of course. However, many modern fireplaces are showing to be preferable replacements for what most homeowners have in their house. They are usually economically friendly and have several design benefits:

Part of “seasonal décor” is about bringing in new colors. Even if you don’t entirely deck out your house, having accent colors here and there completely changes the vibe of a room. And if you’re on the fence between a large home remodel or small DIY project, replacing your fireplace may be the best way to start.

Several new fireplaces have built-in lighting or colored flame features. That can help you to add that extra color “pop” in your living room that you’ve been looking for this Fall season!

Creative Lighting

Lighting can say a ton about a house. And we’re not just talking about the light bulbs, fixtures, and chandeliers around the house – strip lighting, colored lights, and Christmas lights are all creative ways to bring a unique touch to your house. Get creative with lighting!

Obviously, it’s super easy to overdo this. You don’t want it to look like you’re eagerly awaiting Christmas before Thanksgiving hits, not do you want to bring an entire rainbow gradient on your house. But get creative with your lighting in a way that is suiting to Fall.

For Fall, Edison bulbs look really cute on porches or patios. Putting some weatherproof, warm (yellow/orange) colored string lights around the railings on your deck can liven up the area. And even hanging some larger incandescent light bulbs around the house can bring a warm Fall touch to your rooms.

Fall Design 2020

The bottom line is – do something new! Don’t just find a new wax decoration to replace the dusty pumpkins that keep coming in and out décor of bins on a yearly basis. We’ve all been couped up in our homes with COVID-19 for a bit too long, and now is a great chance to do something the home you’ve been spending so much time in.

When it comes to Fall decorations, colors are key. If you’re looking for a bigger change, get an economically friendly, modern fireplace that contains colored lights or can control the flame color! It’s a great way to bring a neat Fall color splash to your rooms.

Otherwise, keep an eye out for unique Fall lighting designs. Incandescent bulbs inside, Edison bulbs on the patio, or warm string lights on the deck are a few of many ways you can bring a warm Fall feel to your home this upcoming season!

Homeschooling During COVID-19: Tips for Keeping Your Kids on Track


COVID-19 has definitely put everyone to the test. But the pandemic has especially put a lot of pressure on parents. You have the same weekly tasks to finish and work to do, but many of us are doing it from our own homes. On top of it all, kids are being switched to hybrid or distance learning school models, which means much more time at home and subsequently, responsibilities for you! We get it – it can be a lot.

One of the best things you can do for both you and your kids’ productivity is to get them a good environment to do their homework in, and to help keep them focused. Even if you’re not homeschooling your kids, distance learning will affect their productivity and motivation, and changing the environment they are working in can help with reducing your stress load and improving their efficiency on getting homework done.

Here are a couple of tips on what you can do:

Dedicate a Room

Bedrooms are distracting. It’s where your kids sleep, play, and hang out, and there’s absolutely no mental association with productivity when it comes to bedrooms. If your kid is having a hard time focusing and they have been attempting to study in their bedroom, find another room for their classroom setup.

If you have an extra office room, or even an open area of one of your home’s floors, dedicate it to them as a space to work! Kids are significantly more efficient with schoolwork when they have an area to work in that’s free of the distractions of their own bedrooms.

Keep a Daily Routine

Just because they don’t have to wake up for the bus doesn’t mean they should sleep in and do their work whenever. A lack of a routine is a great way to deplete all motivation to get work done.

Keep your kids on a daily routine! Have everyone out of bed by “x” time. Make them eat breakfast and have them get started at the same time each day. These types of routines are helpful for all of us. We all know the college freshman phenomenon when we first were in control of our own schedules and decided to procrastinate everything... Keep your kids on a schedule to get their homework done and stick to it for the school year.

Talk with Other Parents

I don’t think we really need to tell you that. It’s probably been the main topic for parents who’s kids are being moved to hybrid or distance learning methods. But talking with other parents is incredibly helpful when figuring out how you will manage having your kids at home for the whole semester.

What’s the best type of person to talk to? Parents who have homeschooled before.

Even if you’re not “homeschooling”, and are still working a full-time job, they will have a ton of insight into how to keep your kids focused and productive without driving yourself crazy!

Talking with other parents may give you ideas that you’d never find on any internet forum or Facebook group. Hear what other people are doing and try it yourself. As the school year goes on, lean into the things that are working until you have a system that puts everyone at ease.

Preparing Your Home for Working Remotely

working remotely

2020 didn’t turn out like any of us expected, and it’s had a huge effect on homeowners. With many people being sent back to work from home, life can be stressful when you’re not properly prepared for it and we often take for granted just how helpful it is to have a comfortable and convenient place to work. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy to find at home. Here are some tips on preparing your home for working remotely:

Preparing Your Home for Working Remotely

Working from home is all about finding a place that’s convenient, effective, comfortable, and all-around easy to work, but that can be difficult (especially if you have a family that’s also home). If you are looking for a few ideas on how you change your home around to accommodate your daily work needs, here are some ideas:

Designated Workspace

The single most important thing you can do is find a designated workspace. Whether it’s your bedroom, a guest room, or office space – find a specific room that you can devote to remote working. The room you work in can majorly affect your motivation, energy, and involvement with your job. We recommend you find a room with windows to get some light in and ensure that the space isn’t over-crowded. Have a desk/table available with a comfortable chair so you can stay focused on your job and not your surroundings.

We also recommend against using your own bedroom if possible. It can be demotivating sometimes to wake up, get ready, work, and go to sleep in the same room day after day. It takes a toll on your energy and overall motivation. Obviously, not everyone has the luxury of using a different room, but if another option is available, we recommend you take it.

Blank Background

Don’t have your window, bed, dresser, or other video-call-eyesores behind you. Working remotely means video calls are at an all-time high, and just because you are at home doesn’t mean you should be any less presentable with your video calls. Find an angle in your room with a blank background or rearrange things temporarily to make one.


We all know the WIFI dead spots in our house. If you are going to work remotely, you need to make sure your room has great WIFI. Before setting up camp, either make sure the WIFI is good or check for ethernet ports built into the wall that would allow for transferring a modem or router upstairs or even plugging your computer directly into the network.

Quiet Place

I don’t think we need to specify why finding a quiet place in your house is so incredibly important. Chances are you’ll be on a high volume of phone or video calls and you want to appear professional, focused, and not distracted. Also, video calls aside, it’s just important for keeping yourself away from distractions. Find a good quiet room, and if you need, keep a fan or white noise loop running to drowned out the sound of others talking or running around the house!

Must-Have Needs For Beautiful Luxury Kitchen

Luxury Kitchen

If you’re thinking of making an upgrade to your home, then you might want to start with an easy project first: your kitchen. Everyone is tempted to take a sledgehammer to their kitchen after watching television shows about home renovations, but there are a couple of things you want to ask yourself first before upgrading to a beautiful luxury kitchen. 

Are you upgrading the kitchen for yourself or to put on the market because if you’re a homeowner that isn’t planning on listing your home anytime soon, then you can put a personal touch to your luxury kitchen upgrades. You don’t need to upgrade it to meet a minimalist aesthetic that is pleasing for potential homebuyers who want to think of how they would make their own personal upgrades for their own beautiful luxury kitchen.

Are you making sure the kitchen is still functional? One way you can keep a kitchen functional while still upgrading into luxury is by choosing the right cabinets. Having the right cabinets are important for those who are normally disorganized. Upgrading into luxury cabinets means there needs to be a little more effort put into the organization of the cabinets to make the kitchen feel more luxurious. Everything in the cabinets needs to be functional and easily accessible.

Butcher block countertops can still be trendy and luxurious if done correctly. If the homeowner chooses the right materials for their kitchen’s aesthetic, then there doesn’t have to be a sacrifice in luxury. Butcher block countertops are also very affordable while still keeping a sleek and functional appearance in any kitchen. Butcher block countertops are also easier to clean compared to glass or stainless steel countertops. Simple soap and water is good with a little lemon compared to more expensive acid-based cleaners.

Of course, no kitchen upgrade is complete without upgrading to luxury smart appliances. There are many different types of smart appliances that make cooking in the kitchen a luxurious experience. Some refrigerators even allow you to see what is inside before even opening it, which can be useful in saving electricity or time. It also helps keep a refrigerator organized. However, the place where you store the food is only half the battle when upgrading into a luxury kitchen. As a homeowner, you also need to consider how you’re going to cook for yourself, your guests, or your family. There are many smart appliances such as a large dual-fuel range that provides a convenient cooking experience in any luxury kitchen. 

Energy saving and efficiency is nice, but you also need to take in mind how the architectural elements of the kitchen bring out the kitchen’s personality and help it get classified as a luxury one. Are you using high ceilings and enough windows for natural lighting? Are you also taking into account the outside of your home when considering the surrounding environment in your luxury kitchen’s designs? It can be honestly confusing. Fortunately, Tony McClung can help you bring out the characteristics in your kitchen and make it a luxurious place you can cook and gather in your home.

Open Concept Living For Your Custom-Built Home

When one thinks of an open floor plan they think of two living spaces joined into a larger living space by working around traditional partition walls. Open concept floor plans have been around for some time, but have recently found an increase in popularity as an architectural trend sometime in the 1990. Many homeowners flocked to the idea of an open concept home by hiring professionals to remodel their homes. The point is to create a sense of openness by joining a kitchen and a dining room or a living room and a dining room. Many end up connecting all three into one large living space. Open floor plans normally connect living spaces and don’t apply to bathrooms or bedrooms. There are many advantages to upgrading a home for open concept living for your custom-built home.

Open Concept Living Room

Without interior walls, an open floor plan provides natural sunlight that can reach more indoor spaces. Those who want to switch to an open concept should think about adding additional windows to the kitchen or living room not only to provide a beautiful view of the outdoors, but bring in more natural sunlight as well. having vaulted ceilings, especially in a two-story home, helps create a feeling of a larger space, which is easier for entertaining. Speaking of entertaining, open concept plans allow a homeowner to still talk to their guests in the living room while preparing in the kitchen or dining room. Those who have closed plans with a separate kitchen often have to keep their guests in the kitchen if they want to interact with them while they’re preparing a meal. This is also not good for the flow of traffic around the home and can make a social gathering feel cramped. 

While more and more homeowners are moving to an open concept plan, it’s important to still work on a focal point in each section of the space. Having eye-catching fixtures or certain furniture can really bring out an open concept design. Many open concept designs focus on minimalism. Homeowners do not want that much clutter to take away the openness of the space. In fact, having too much going on between the spaces defeats the purpose of having an open concept space. It can be quite overwhelming to the eyes if clutter creates a boundary of sorts between each room. 

It’s also important to keep a consistent color scheme through each room. Each room needs to work together as a whole to make the open concept layout work. A homeowner does not want to assault the eyes of their guests with different imposing colors in each section of the large space. Keep repeating colors or patterns to make everything come together.

When you’re ready to create an open concept living space that fits your personality and is comfortable for you and your family, then it’s time to contact Tony McClung. Whether you’re simply renovating an old home or building a new one Tony McClung can help bring out the best for your interior in the Dallas area.