The Best Home Efficiency Features

smart home

The weather is starting to get a little warmer and now is the perfect time to get your home prepared for summer. Everyone wants to make his or her house more efficient and convenient  – especially during hot Texas summers. As technology advances, new features are cropping up every day to do just that. These are the most valuable smart upgrades you can put into your new dream home.

Smart Thermostats

In older homes, a huge portion of the energy bill usually goes toward heating and air conditioning. In new constructions, this is less of an issue, but maintaining a comfortable temperature can still cost quite a bit – especially if your dream home happens to be rather large.

Smart thermostats are one of the best ways to stop yourself from wasting energy. These devices are very simple to install and offer a pleasing modern appearance. Most of them work along with your smartphone, so you can set the ideal parameters for your comfort. They’ll automatically adjust according to your schedule, so you’re not paying to keep the house cooler than it needs to be while you’re not home. They can drop the temperature a few degrees at night if you prefer to sleep cool. Over time, smart thermostats can pay for themselves several times over.

Smart Smoke Detectors

No one wants to experience a house fire, but you need to be fully prepared in case the worst does happen. Smart smoke detectors can save money on insurance premiums, but they can also save your life. Instead of screeching when you’re cooking or when their batteries are low, these modern devices will scan air quality constantly. Most also scan for carbon monoxide, offering double the protection. They can be programmed to send alerts to your phone if something is off.

Smart Sprinklers

It gets hot here in Texas – very hot. When the summer sun is out but the rain isn’t coming, it can be hard to maintain that beautiful green lawn of your dreams. Most of us don’t have time to worry about turning on traditional sprinklers. What’s worse, however, is when you forget to shut them off and waste water.

Smart sprinklers take the guesswork out of watering your landscape. You can program them to spray at certain times, but the best ones will calculate the proper amount of water needed based on the current weather and average climate. Since you’re not wasting water, you can see as much as 30% knocked off your next bill.

These are just a few of the incredible smart tech additions that can transform your home. Other options, like smart lighting and door locks, give us a glimpse into how magnificent and efficient our future can be with the help of technology. If you’re looking to transform your building from traditional to smart, let us know. At Luxury Homes Designed and Built by Tony McClung, we can help you throughout the process. Give us a call today at 214-668-7802.