Home Essentials for Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is such an incredible time of the year. It’s great to bring family together for fun hangs, catch up with each other’s lives, and indulge in piles of food that are far from being approved by any diet program you’ll ever come across (that’s the best part after all!)

Preparing Your Home for Thanksgiving

If you’ll be hosting any guests this upcoming Thanksgiving, you want your home to be properly prepared! Here are a few tips on how you can prepare your luxury home for guests this upcoming Thanksgiving:

Make It Cozy

Thanksgiving is still in fall, but it’s definitely towards the chillier end of the season! Thanksgiving is made fun by great company and great food, but you also want your home to be cozy and relaxing for guests.

Rearrange your living room to an open concept. Make it easy to enter and exit by moving couches and chairs to the outskirts of the room and allowing for space for your guests to hang out, relax, and have conversations! Add extra pillows and blankets to couches – we all have that uncle or aunt that’s out-cold after every family reunion meal…and don’t forget football!

Charcuterie Boards & Other Snacks

There’s definitely a lot of food already during Thanksgiving, but it’s still a good idea to offer a snack that’s easily transferrable to the dinner table once you all start with the main course.

Since most of your guests are probably pulling the “fast-for-a-couple-meals-before-thanksgiving-dinner” plan, they’ll be hungry by the time they get there. Chances are, the food won’t be ready right away so go ahead and prepare a small charcuterie board for your guests. When dinner rolls around, you can put the appetizers on the table to be a part of the food rotation!


Thanksgiving is such an incredible holiday. It’s great to catch up with family and indulge in amazing food, but it can be stressful when you’re the one hosting. It’s always a smart idea to make sure your home is ready for guests. Lay out some appetizers that are easy to snack on while guests wait for food, lay out plenty of pillows and blankets in the living room and make your home a cozy social space this Thanksgiving season!