Benefits of Vinyl Wood Floors Over Hardwood Floors

vinyl flooring

This past week, Texas received some of the craziest winter storms ever recorded. Many of our homes just are not prepared to handle the cold we received and many homes were flooded due to frozen and busted pipes. If your home is one of these, you may be looking for new floors for your home.

Flooring makes such a difference in a home, and there are so many options that it can get overwhelming to decide what’s right for your luxury home! For some, carpet is just fine and the perfect “cozy” touch that their home needs, but in recent years, carpet has become a bit outdated.

Homeowners are turning to hardwood floors as a replacement due to their elegant and practical design. However, as hardwood floors become popular again, vinyl “fake wood” flooring is gaining a ton of attention (and for good reason).

So, if you’re home was recently flooded and you are now in the market to replace your home’s flooring, here are a few benefits of vinyl wood floors over traditional hardwood floors:


Obviously, you want nice floors, and as a homeowner you’re probably willing to pay what’s needed to get the end result you’re looking for! But who doesn’t love a gorgeous budget option when it comes to home remodels?

Vinyl plank flooring is quite a bit cheaper than traditional hardwood floors, making it an excellent option for homeowners who are looking to save a bit of money on their new flooring installation!


People don’t usually think about this before they begin their remodeling process, but cleaning hardwood floors is difficult. Hardwood flooring needs to be cleaned with specific cleaners that won’t damage or weaken the wood over time. This means absolutely no wet mopping (which is unfortunately one of the quickest ways to clean your flooring.)

Vinyl wood flooring on the other hand can be cleaned through a variety of means. Whether it’s wood-specific products or simple wet mopping, vinyl flooring is durable and easy to deal with, making cleaning a breeze!

DIY Installation

One more thing that’s absolutely incredible about vinyl wood floors is that DIY installation is rather easy! If you’re looking to replace your current carpeting or tile with vinyl wood plank flooring, chances are with a little bit of research and planning, you’ll be able to do it yourself.

Vinyl planks are incredibly easy to layout and attach, as they have interlocking edges that make alignment super simple. They’re also easy to cut and rather durable so you don’t have to worry about handling them as much as hardwood floors.

Generally speaking, real hardwood flooring is significantly more difficult to deal with and it’s almost always recommended that you seek the help of a professional for installation (which further runs up your remodeling bill!)

Give Luxury Homes Designed and Built by Tony McClung a call if you need help with new floors in your home after this crazy winter storm!