How to Prepare for Moving into a New House

Everyone has mixed feelings about moving to a new home. It’s incredibly exciting to move into your family’s new dream home, but it can also be incredibly stressful. There’s a ton of moving parts and even when you think you have everything mapped out ahead of time, every day you come up with new things to add to your “to-do” list.

moving boxes

If you are planning a move in the near future, it’s important to properly prepare for the day. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for moving into a new house!

Make a Week-Of Schedule

A while in advance, it’s important to make a schedule for the week of your move. This will help you to avoid last-minute cramming the day before or day of.

Spend time thinking of all the big items that have to wait for last. Whether it’s cleaning sections of the house, moving or selling bigger furniture items, or cancelling services like WiFi and cable – you want all of the “last details” written into a specific timeslot for the last week. And even at that, give yourself several hours of leeway because we all know how these things go...

Start Saving Boxes

Moving boxes are expensive if you have to buy them all new. But it’s pretty incredible how many boxes we accumulate throughout the year via online purchases. Even smaller and medium sized boxes are helpful for moving – silverware, plates, miscellaneous kitchen items, trinkets, etc. Think of all the things you shove in random boxes last-minute. If you have a specific place for them – even smaller boxes – packing and unpacking will be significantly easier.

Cancel/Change Address-Specific Services

Think about everything that relates to your current living situation – your WiFi, TV, phone service, postal office and shipping address, banking address, etc. It all needs to change, and if you leave it till the last couple days to start thinking of all of it, you won’t remember it all. Start making the list now and changing over all services that pertain to your current address!

Be Clear with Moving Box Labels

We all know to label our boxes as we pack items, but I’d highly encourage that you take it a step further in your clarity on the labels. Don’t just label everything “Kitchen” – be specific about silverware vs. plates vs. pots. It will make it easier on moving day to get everything in the appropriate place, but more importantly it will allow everyone who is helping you pack to be super careful with fragile items and how they are loading their cars/trailers.